Thursday, November 18, 2010

It takes one to know one

I find it interesting and slightly humorous that people with CF seem to be able to pick each other out of a crowd (or busy doctors’ offices) based on hearing each other’s coughs.
Today was my ENT day which means driving to St. Pauls Hospital after work, waiting for my ENT doc’s and having my sinus’ rinsed. I don’t mind it that much, it’s more the waiting that can get tedious. During my wait today though, I noticed a young woman with a little girl trying to keep busy until her name was called. I noticed her cough a few times and nudged James (who came to keep me company) and said, “she has CF”. Immediately I started wondering if I knew her or maybe had seen her around St. Pauls. But I just couldn’t place her. Before I knew it she was called in, then I was called in and the rest of our days continued. I guess despite whether we know one another, we’ll always be connected in that funny way… 
On a side note... you know you go to the hospital entirely too often when one of the residents gives you a "fist bump" on your way out, right after exchanging holiday stories. Oh my life in the ENT department... you'd think they'd give me a frequent flyers card.

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